Tail Lift Inspection

We carry out thorough Tail Lift Inspections, LOLER Inspections, weight testing and repairs to the highest standards onsite and in workshop. Our goal is to maintain the safety of our clients, their employees and the general public by providing high quality services that ensure you comply with legislation. We also keep your Digital Maintenance Records up-to-date with our recording facility.

Phoenix has over 35 years of Tail Lift Inspection experience

Our industry trained engineers inspect, test and repair all truck tail lifts, including column lifts and chassis mounts. If your vehicle has a broken or damaged tail-lift, it is vitally important that the unit is fixed by an expert before further damage is caused. Regular inspections are a legal requirement and every tail lift must be examined twice a year; our specialists are here to ensure you are operating under LOLER guidelines.

If you have any questions about Tail Lift Inspections, please contact a member of our knowledgeable team online or call us on 020 8890 8230

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